Guide to running a Zora Node
To run the Zora node, you need to meet the following conditions:
- at least 16 GB RAM
- an SSD drive with at least 200 GB free
Guide to purchasing a Contabo VPS
View the Contabo VPS purchase guide here. Choose a configuration that suits your needs.
Guide to running Zora node
Install docker
Add Docker's official GPG key:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
Add the repository to Apt sources:
sudo apt-get update
Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose -y
Clone Conduit Github repository
git clone
Access the node directory
cd node
Download Zora Mainnet Folder
./ zora-mainnet-0
Set the value for the Conduit Network
export CONDUIT_NETWORK=zora-mainnet-0
Create APIs on Alchemy
Add your APIs to the environment file
Replace "http://11rpc" with the Alchemy Account API key you created in the previous step.
After pasting your API into the nano file, press Ctrl + S to save the file and Ctrl + X to exit the file.
Start Screen Session
screen -S log
To start the Zora node, use the following command:
docker compose up --build
The instructions for running this node are referenced from Blokdrops and Conduit Network. If you encounter any errors during the process, you can join the Telegram group for assistance from our team in fixing bugs.